Real Cars In Background

You get that need for speed check this baby out! This trick was to get the right location at the right time. There was this awesome purple LED light from the Seaford Train Station above me. What do you think?
Having worked in marketing for my entire career, I can see Photoshop edits clear as day. I thought it would be special to showcase some simple photography techniques using only the most basic of equipment – my Galaxy S9. NOT ONE IMAGE HAS BEEN PHOTOSHOPPED, unless it is a core website framework-related image, where I had to clip it from the background to get the look I wanted. That’s it – scout’s honor!
The fun of this whole 7 month challenge – car select, body selection, prep, masking, painting and finish… all for the images I knew I’d take the whole time. A good 100 hours on the website from server to the last period, and all done.
Now I can enjoy driving these babies and looking for more great photo locations!
Hope you enjoy it, but most importantly, challenge yourself to do something for you. Make it a hard challenge too…